Archives: Notes

  • I’m excited about this too, for a while I was getting daily review requests from Jonny & his team mates for one performance improvement or another. *Even better with a persistent cache.*

  • Me: Making architecture decisions for a CMS as popular as WordPress is really hard.
    CSS working group: Hold my beer!

  • When discussing differences in musical taste with your partner, it turns out “well, that’s because you’re older than me” is not the correct answer.

  • World: please do not be alarmed if you see an Australian post a photo of their 20-year-old selves smoking a bong. It’s actually pretty damn cool.

  • You can increase the diversity of applicants in a call for speakers with this one weird trick: paying your speakers. Include the amount in the CFP and reach out to underrepresented groups highlighting the honorarium. Read an @ffconf CFP and do that.

  • Games ending in le are to 2022 as startups ending in ly are to 2012.

  • Hey, how about we never forget and certainly never forgive Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters for promoting & fundraising for AIDS denialism.

  • Using six cell little killers for a Sudoku based multi-factor authentication challenge.

  • Why superannuation laws are stuffed.


  • Apparently when @ato_gov_au recovers unpaid super from previous years, it counts toward the super cap for the year in which it’s recovered. Thus your former employer gets to screw you over again when the ATO forces them to do the right thing.

    Check your super, folks.