Archives: Notes

  • Dev rel friends working for competitors is hard. @developersteve & @developerjack would you be above a _good_ swag-off?

  • Recently moved my site to a new provider and forgot to set up my Twitter app. So that’s fixed.

  • Some days my job is essentially reading the phrase “Hang tight, the log cannot be shown until the build has started” over & over.

  • “I only hire the rich & privileged” never goes down as well as “I only hire people with side projects”.

  • One day I really, really, really will go back and read all those links I’ve ⭐️ed. Like, really.

  • Testing custom roles. I have roughly 100 browsers open, each with both a standard & incognito window. I’m confused. My computer is melting.

  • Yesterday I mentioned the time saved by system fonts in WP would increase productivity, here’s the data via WebPageTest. I used the Dallas instance to run the tests, so results will vary outside of North America. (more…)

  • WordPress 4.6 launched 6 hours ago with native fonts saving ½-2 seconds for each admin page load. That’s days of productivity gains already.

  • Looking at code git blame says I wrote on February 3. I need a bleach shower.

  • It’s a complicated form of disappointment when you fail to break code you don’t actually want to be broken.