When you’re listening to a song and think “I remember what it was like to be 22”. And then realise you don’t.
Archives: Notes
add_filter( ‘the_content’, array( $wpcom, ‘apostrophe_s_dangit’ ) );
Trying out office spaces this week, @teamsquare today and checking out an agency with a spare desk later in the week.
(Subtweeting myself because it’s easier and deals with multiple issues at once)
Proud to have joined the team at @humanmadeltd.
Did @StackOverflow‘s ninja/rockstar options include “if you really care about diversity, stop propagating damaging masculine stereotypes”?
I’m speaking at WebDirections Respond next month, as usual it’s an impressive line-up. See you there. http://www.webdirections.org/respond16/