Archives: Notes

  • Man flees Iraq after translating for Aus & our allies puts his life in danger. We charge him $20k & send him back.

  • So that’s why my legs feel a little sore this-morning


  • So, I gather the Valley gets up to taj mahal levels of batshittery on the weekends.

  • Interesting this produces a truthy or falsy string

    wp_localize_script( 'pwcc-functions', 'pwccConfig', array(
      'isSingle' => is_single(),
    ) );

    but this is all lovely and boolean.

    wp_localize_script( 'pwcc-functions', 'pwccConfig', array(
      'is' => array(
        'single' => is_single(),
    ) );

    It’s an abuse of the localisation function so I can see why it expects a string.

    Coincidently, a related trac ticket was opened a few hours after this post.

  • Spending next week in Brisbane & attending the WordPress Meetup. Who’s around?

  • Couples shopping together and arguing about which tomatoes to buy.

  • Finally managed to make it through the Tavern’s oembed post’s comments without closing the browser and not-so-silently judging people.

    I accidentally became involved in the feature after I looked at the code to find out how I could replace the WP logo with the PW logo.

    I noticed there were a few things around the edges that needed massaging for older browsers. Just call me old man internet.

    Discussion for the feature started in earnest on July 18 on Make and in late May on trac. The merge proposal was published on September 30. The time for expressing reservations was then.

    I didn’t hold a strong opinion about this feature either way. Once it, and any other feature, is set to go into core – the best thing I can do is to help improve the feature.

    There were also some interesting puzzles to solve and I like Sudokus.

    Comparing Lead and Core developers to Mao and Hitler because you missed a five month window to discuss a proposed feature doesn’t help anyone. Certainly not yourself.

    I never thought I’d become a regular contributor to WordPress Core. I am glad I did, if nothing else it has given me an opportunity to work with some really passionate people.

    Regular contributor. Never thought I’d say that.

  • Was so impressed with Docklands Library yesterday, I’m planning on spending a few days down there this week.

  • Does the turndown service at buzzconf put milk or dark chocolate on your pillow?

  • How many hats does the restaurant at buzzconf have in the good food guide? I’m assuming there’s one at the buzzconf Sofitel.