Noted October 5, 2015

Thank you for attending this-morning’s session of rants by the mildly frustrated. Problem solved by remembering back to the day.

Noted October 5, 2015

Like it or not, a web devs job is to support browsers a site’s users need. As is widely said, supporting and optimising for differ.

Noted October 5, 2015

Stack Overflow is hilarious:
Q: How do I do this in IE8?
A: whywouldyoudothat and dontsupportie8.

Noted October 4, 2015

The Audio element fires some odd events. I keep forgetting that I’ve turned off wifi to trigger an error and thinking MDN is down.

Noted October 1, 2015

Oh wow, Android 4.1.1 is frustrating, wow. On the upside, work’s big responsive project works on phones that should be crushed like a bug.