Does have a hack for their site to disable infinite scrolling so you can can click the links in their footer?
Archives: Notes
Not blackmail, not discrimination, simply the consequence of a bad choice.
I get unreasonably excited about wearing leather shoes these days and this week I’ll get to wear them two or three times!
I know I could wear them in the home office but that’s not something that works for me.
Typecasting edge cases sure are fun.
console.log( !! '0', !! '0.0', '0' == '0.0' ); // (JS) true, true, false var_dump( !! '0', !! '0.0', '0' == '0.0' ); // (PHP) false, true, true
I’m not sure there is a right answer here.
I used Yahoo! when it was on a .edu domain.
Decades later, the Colin Hay Overkill opener for Scrubs season two is still great.
YouTube reaction videos but it’s developers reading their own three year old code.
For the first time since March 2020 the rain has beaten me and I’ve given up on my morning walk.
I just did that slightly silly looking thing of half waving at someone before realising it wasn’t the friend I thought it was. The friend I was thinking of lives on another continent. 🤦
Is there a slack or discord sole traders can use to scream about superannuation rules for sole traders? It was fixed so sole traders can at least pay super tax free but there’s extra paperwork to deduct the contributions you paid in as deductible. It’s so fixin’ fixed!