Let’s phrase this in terms of the current landscape: IE was the Safari of yesteryear.
Archives: Notes
Conclusion: the HTML5 document structure will never be implemented. It’s another dead spec. It was a nice idea.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Sections_and_Outlines_of_an_HTML5_document -
They call me Mr Pop Culture for a reason.
So, Gravity is pretty good.
I especially love open-source when I wake up to discover someone else has done the first thing on my todo list. ?
The road to feature detection is paved with the tears of puppies and kittens.
Watching the WP Slack yesterday, it was really sweet to see the core & lead devs excited as the REST API infrastructure was committed.
#NRAfamily never offers practical tips on how to teach a five year-old to play dead during a mass shooting.
Speaking of back in the day, here’s some thoughts on browser support from long ago, s/ie6/ie8+. https://peterwilson.cc/euthenasing-internet-explorer-6/
Thank you for attending this-morning’s session of rants by the mildly frustrated. Problem solved by remembering back to the day.