Speaking of back in the day, here’s some thoughts on browser support from long ago, s/ie6/ie8+. https://peterwilson.cc/euthenasing-internet-explorer-6/
Archives: Notes
Thank you for attending this-morning’s session of rants by the mildly frustrated. Problem solved by remembering back to the day.
Like it or not, a web devs job is to support browsers a site’s users need. As is widely said, supporting and optimising for differ.
Stack Overflow is hilarious:
Q: How do I do this in IE8?
A: whywouldyoudothat and dontsupportie8.
#justusejquery -
Protip: IE8 can go die in a ditch.
The Audio element fires some odd events. I keep forgetting that I’ve turned off wifi to trigger an error and thinking MDN is down.
CSSO changes the compressed CSS’s source order. I trust the Yandex team but still it makes me nervous. https://en.bem.info/tools/
URLs are precious. Four-ten is not to be thrown around lightly.
Oh wow, Android 4.1.1 is frustrating, wow. On the upside, work’s big responsive project works on phones that should be crushed like a bug.
I won’t lie, I am pretty pleased with this perf trick.