The secret of jQuery’s success: having a theme song.
Archives: Notes
Not enough open-source projects have a theme song.
It is amusing how many sites pay interstitial services. They’re paying for web savvy users to close their browser & never come back.
I know this interstitial microcopy was trying to hit witty, not rude. I hit back & never read the content.
Should my Sunday tinker be a WordPress plugin to:
- get the 4.4 comment form order early
- maintain the ‘proper’ comment form order in 4.4+
I predict there will be demand for both.
WordPress 4.4 will change the comment form
Check your sites
WordPress 4.4 will change the comment form
Check ’em now -
I’ve started calling mark as read & delete email filters as engagement filters. Tonight, I am engaging with Instagram.
Sometimes the best solution is going to be the most controversial. Oh well.
* Please don’t commit this
* I’ve refreshed this so you can commit it.
Being a developer is complicated. -
The direction the ad blocker business model is going is very concerning & fits in with so much internet culture.