Archives: Notes

  • What’s my anniversary date, @telstra?


  • Setting up for family photo.

  • Great Ocean Road

  • The adults are lining up for Kingston biscuits. Children at heart.

  • Making ourselves at home.

  • Three types of coffee at BeachPress Vic. People beginning to talk rather than grunt. This is the Australian way.

  • The hardest decision packing for a hack weekend is which nerd swag to wear. Went with cssconfau, wcmelb hoodie & a Code Poet T.

  • Good news everybody, I own pyjamas now.

  • Bugs catching flukes: noticing there are not enough results in a global search because navigating files is so 1993.

  • Probably not great I am so politically disenfranchised but have you seen the 226 prats we’ve elected?!