Still able to connect a usb keyboard to a 5pin connector.
Archives: Notes
Tumbling down the rabbit hole of wp-cron. Racey.
The insidious thing about imposter syndrome is having to fight even when making a simple suggestion. So I’ve heard. -
Feeling better for buying µ.xyz this week.
Yesterday’s Coalition meeting was 30 minute discussion on SSM, 5.5 hour lesson on saying stupid things in the media.
On one hand, being politically disenfranchised is bad. On the other hand, ¯_(ツ)_/¯ is never going to stop you sleeping.
That not all men were refusing to share a stage with this man is beyond me.
I’ve seen a woman HAVE to refuse to share a stage with a guy who includes porn in his slides. And he still gets invites.
Guys, you know the more women who drop off the speaking circuit after mistreatment at confs, the more ignorant the industry becomes.
The weekend’s exercise in futility was to update my widget for WP4.3 & PHP7. I await your thanks ADN users.