Fixing never having seen Die Hard. Finding the smoking really disconcerting. Fine with the killing, duh.
Archives: Notes
Remarkably, @bankmecu have made a template for future phishing attempts (my ironic highlighting) -
Hello Australia. Remember when we were judging Americans for their Confederate flags a few weeks ago?
Microsoft promise to improve Windows 10 messaging.
@telstra Without the “with n days left” part, this warning is of no use. Could you please bring it back.
.@corybernardi: There is no legal discrimination between same-sex couples *except*
Look. Gonna stop you there, Cory.
Collecting ideas on comment moderation. Not policy ideas but how to deal with the before and after. -
As I approach forty, I am forming opinions on turning 40 that are new and interesting. Friends, I was a naïve kid. I didn’t know.
cook a rib-eye steak rare in 25g of butter, salting every 30sec. Bin it, eat another fkn chicken breast because your cholesterol is 7.1
Half way through a first round interview with a recruiter she abruptly called it off and told me it was hopeless.
I’d never get the job, there was no point continuing the interview.
The dumb twenty-six year-old in the room, got up disheartened and prepared to leave.
The recruiter handed me a pen & piece of paper and told me we’d start again same time next week. Next week I’d come prepared & on the paper would be all the things I’d ever done in tech.
There would be no “I kind of can do…” or “I’ve tinkered with…” In their place there would be definitive statements “I can do…”
like an idiot, I cancelled the following weeks interview via email a few days later – a dumb twenty-six year old not realising she saw potential I didn’t.
When imposter syndrome hits, I often think of the recruiter and whether it would still be hitting if I’d taken her up on her offer.
Probably. Best I can do is try and adopt some advise I half listened to as a dumb twenty-six year old. Following through and getting all the advice would have been a good idea.