Noted May 21, 2015

As dumb as it is, I wish it was possible to do this as feature detection.

.thing {
  float: calc( 1 * left )

Noted May 19, 2015

.js #w {display:none; }
.no-js #w {width:auto; width:calc( 1px - 1px ); overflow:hidden; }
<div id="w">I resent you</div>

Noted May 18, 2015

A one word search on Flickr has produced a large bucket of crazy. That word: LIES.

Noted May 13, 2015

It’s both weird and convenient this works.

var pwcc="working";
alert( window.window.window.pwcc );

Noted May 13, 2015

Kickstarter to try and regain credibility after selling out to a politician.

Noted May 12, 2015

After seeing Nacin’s talk, I stand by my call on the most important Emoji commit. I meant the full feature, not just the polyfill.

Noted May 7, 2015

Four years ago today the UK condemned itself to an eternity of tactical voting.