Turns out the most lockdown activity is not the sourdough starter, nor is it the home haircut (yawn, even the Premier has done that). It’s the zoom call between your phone and computer to evaluate said haircut.
Archives: Notes
Unusually for me, I binged the first season of Ted Lasso in 24 hours from Friday night. I woke this-morning to see a headline suggesting some people don’t like it and I can’t even…
It’s day
of resisting shouting at a particular cloud and I’m a little proud of myself. Stupid cloud.
When a supermarket becomes a T2 exposure site, are @ALDIAustralia, @Coles or @woolworths paying their staff to get tested and for any shifts they miss while they’re required to isolate? The same applies for all casuals exposed at work but supermarkets are listed almost daily.
Never watching a presser again and instead spending the time having cat cuddles. Discuss.
FWIW, the last Daily Dan I watched was actually a Merlino in the Morning. Recommended, five stars.
ABC News headline: Should Victorians give up hope of restrictions easing anytime soon?
This is the exception that proves Betteridge’s law.
My garlic multiple generally runs at two but when I’m using a food box service is usually four but can be as high as six or even eight.
Garlic multiple: the amount used vs the amount a recipe suggests.
I’ve been strict about being a 1x dev for a few years. On a Very Big Project a few years ago, I was proud some other team members followed suit. I did some long days to increase US cross-over but buggered off early on Fridays to make it up.
I don’t think I ever told the client about the shorter Fridays, but I also reckon they were smart enough to pick up that the guy doing 40/hrs of code review each week never sent anything late Fridays.
Fun fact: I started being strict about it after a leaving a job in which the boss would schedule projects so I had to work seven days a week.He got shitty when it made me sick and I became a .1 dev for a while as a result. I left shortly after that, go figure… -
The amount of shit Leigh Sales cops for being a Liberal Party stooge is only equaled by the amount of shit she cops for being a Labor stooge. A journo has to be pretty good at their job to piss off everyone.
Early morning Friday challenge.
ONLY use Twitter for kindness. Compliment the work of someone you follow and admire, stop yourself tweeting something nasty or pass agg, retweet puppy pics, reach out to someone you think needs their tyres pumped. #COVID19Aus— Patricia Karvelas (@PatsKarvelas) August 19, 2021
I keep reading the milk crate challenge uses 30 milk crates. This bothers me because THIRTY IS NOT A TRIANGULAR NUMBER.