@savedyouaclick lost the Internet today. Chin up, there’s always tomorrow. #llamagate #dressghazi
Archives: Notes
“(segue here)”
This was much easier to write than it is to edit.
Too hard to contribute.
Let’s focus on how worthy Rosie Batty is as Australian of the Year. She has been remarkable from her first press conference.
does not. -
… also, very impressed AIDS.gov is SSL by default. It gets better shows why hiding from snooping parents is important.
tinder for … jokes dot tumblr dot com
Point is Chris Kenny would receive less personal abuse than Caroline Marcus for the same tweet/headline.
Babysitting niblings tonight. Hoping to find a kids’ movie that won’t cause us to gnaw off our legs to survive.
Three years as a non-smoker today. Not coughing up crap constantly is p good.