Victorian Cabinet, this Friday.
Archives: Notes
[The] WordPress community can invest in underrepresented groups (whose experiences cannot be substituted for) and hire them equitably. — @JosephaHaden
There have been at least 434 deaths since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody ended in 1991. Non-Indigenous men are expected to live 8.6 years longer than indigenous men, non-indigenous women 7.8 years longer. #BlackLivesMatterAustralia
Yesterday the team I work with won a little international award, ❤️ working with super talented people 🎉
🤜🤛 @humanmadeltd & @XWP for your early work; and @WordPress contributors (especially the Editor team) for the platform we work on.
🏆First place in Best New Technology or Digital Product, Group 2, goes to @Ninecomau from Australia for “Efficiency in Complex Newsrooms” #GMA2020 #INMA2020
— INMA (@INMAorg) June 2, 2020
My WP journey:
- 12 yrs ago: wrote my first site
- 11 yrs ago: WP & PHP became my career
- 9 yrs ago: submitted first patch
- 5 yrs ago: started contributing regularly
- last weekend: deep in Walker and Query classes, ugh
It’s been real…
Can we start writing c9s instead of coronavirus yet?
I am too excited to come up with a wait for it pun.
It’s only a matter of time…
Our Hamilton film.
THIS July 3rd.
On Disney+.#Hamilfilm— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) May 12, 2020
One of the idiot protesters yesterday didn’t want to be seen as anti-science for her scepticism of a coronavirus vaccine, 5G towers and the deadliness of COVID-19. They’re simply “anti-fake science”. Well, I’m glad that’s sorted then.
The hands down best lines of WordPress Core didn’t get props & didn’t close a ticket.
I’ve been reading old commits today.
Last week @kadamwhite asked me for three songs each for partying & chilling. No rules. None were applied
- Chumbawamba, Tubthumping
- Taylor Swift, 22
- Gwen Stefani, Hollaback Girl
- Dolly Parton, Jolene
- Nina Simone, I Put A Spell On You
- Alabama Shakes, Hold On