Despite it’s flaws, I like working with PHP (and I’m fucking good at my job) but sometimes I wonder what I’m doing with my life…
Archives: Notes
Reviewing my development folder yesterday, I discovered I have four checkouts of the WordPress-Develop git repo. I need two… plus an SVN copy for committing.
Each has a different collection of feature branches…
While Australians are stocking up on toilet paper, I presume Americans are stocking up on guns and ammo.
OH: Oh, for fuck’s sake JIRA.
It was me. I said it aloud. In a sing-song voice.
While trying to work out the correct markdown favour for the particular field I was using.
Today in totally meaningless graphs, spot when I changed employers from one that uses GitHub to one that uses Bitbucket.
I want to find the sweariest branch name on GitHub. Bonus points if it’s been merged in to a major open-source project.
Ooh, it’s very much a work-in-progress but ABC News appears to be working on a responsive site on their mobile domain, starting with their article template. I know this is a huge undertaking for a 20+ year archive, good luck and thanks team.
I always find it interesting to look over an individuals news index to see when they were added as a tag, unless they’re a government minister, it’s usually not a good sign. Take George here for example.
Bridget McKenzie’s press cuttings are missing some recent coverage. Odd that. 🙃