Archives: Notes

  • I always find it interesting to look over an individuals news index to see when they were added as a tag, unless they’re a government minister, it’s usually not a good sign. Take George here for example.

  • Bridget McKenzie’s press cuttings are missing some recent coverage. Odd that. 🙃

  • Atlassian just threw a popup on work’s wiki that hinted toward improved productivity.

    I. Have. A. Wild. Idea. For. Improving. Productivity.

  • What type of monster creates a Hottest 100 playlist that’s neither in ascending or descending order?!

  • Nice: the toilet’s in work’s building flush with storm water. Less nice: I discovered this because they’re all the colour of an upset stomach due to the muddy rain last night.

  • I’m unreasonably pleased with myself that my Bitbucket bizness account name is peterwilsonbcc even though it’s pointless because it shows up as {b75f1b85-98b9-482d-9913-eeb501518274}.

  • PHP singletons are bad. They make you comfort eat.

  • PHP Singletons are bad. If it’s a singleton, it’s just functional code so just write functional code.

    And they make you do bad things in test suites.

  • Would Prime Minister Dutton be better tho? Empathy doesn’t seem to be his strong point.