if you’re having trouble focusing on work, or anything else, it’s not that you’re terrible at working from home or bad at your job. It’s that you’re doing this in a set of circumstances completely unprecedented in our lifetimes.
Archives: Notes
Current earworm. I can’t think why.
I’ve worked remote for four years but this is the first time I’ve worked from home rather than an office or co-working space. I’ve replaced my train commute with a walk around the block to allow for a mental switch to work mode each morning.
“If” seems incredibly optimistic. We screwed.
As bum gun sales in Australia spike, I can feel most countries in our region turning to us and saying “See! What have we been saying all these years!”
Despite it’s flaws, I like working with PHP (and I’m fucking good at my job) but sometimes I wonder what I’m doing with my life…
Reviewing my development folder yesterday, I discovered I have four checkouts of the WordPress-Develop git repo. I need two… plus an SVN copy for committing.
Each has a different collection of feature branches…
While Australians are stocking up on toilet paper, I presume Americans are stocking up on guns and ammo.
OH: Oh, for fuck’s sake JIRA.
It was me. I said it aloud. In a sing-song voice.
While trying to work out the correct markdown favour for the particular field I was using.