When it comes to WordPress roles & caps, one of the things my current and former colleagues love hearing about is my insistence primitives be plural and meta be singular, even if it requires awkward phrasing. They never want to tell me to shut up.
Archives: Notes
K, I’m kinda bored of developers complaining “Why is (the possible) impossible in WordPress?!”
Want to only allow posts, no media, no plugins, no theme changes, no nothing, not even for admins? Put this in mu-plugins https://gist.github.com/peterwilsoncc/ce2c1f2376b9b158125d0a2e4ff57567
Now you’re just taking the piss.
> pwcc = []; [] > ( ( pwcc == false ) == ( ! pwcc ) ) false
Ugh, flight delayed by a late passenger. Of course it’s Warwick Capper and of course we passed him sitting in the wrong lounge.
My friends get me 👕
After twelve days of this I am ready to black out all the windows at work. I just know this is going to stick around for the next four months.
Congratulations Geekbot on finding the subject line of an unsolicited feedback request with the least chance of success.
One of the reasons I like Survivor is because the host will weather it out with the contestants. You could see JLP thinking “this is shithouse” on last nights #SurvivorAU.
A couple nearby were arguing about Brexit and are now staring at each other in awkward silence. He’s pro, she’s against.
Watching Simon try to find an idol last night was like watching a cat trying to use a pen. #survivorau