Archives: Notes

  • Online arts publications after a volunteer for Senior Correspondent for Getting Free Tickets to the Hamilton Opening in Sydney, I’m your best person. We can work on the title.

  • Instead of above and below the line voting in the senate, it would be nice to have a separate area for racists, gun nuts, anit-vaxxers, homophobes and miscellaneous loonies.

  • There’s now a Chassis extension for WordPress core development with an ever so helpful copy and paste config file. A few people contributed but @kadamwhite put in a tonne of effort.


  • Styling fieldsets and legends is still the worst.

  • Reading @rachelandrew’s excellent article on box generation & I’m confused. Is the display:contents bug always a problem or fine to use on the semantically meaningless div & span elements?

  • If you really want your WordPress hook to run first, or just troll @rmccue, run it at priority PHP_INT_MIN * 200.

    If that doesn’t run first, PHP_INT_MIN * PHP_INT_MAX.

    And if that doesn’t run first…

  • Wow, no one was expecting the entire cast of GOT to be killed off in episode two and replaced with the Comedy Company’s original cast. That twist was beautiful.

  • I get irrationally annoyed when I see “waiting for” as I visit a site. C’mon, have some professional pride and set up an alias on Route 53. It’s 50 cents!

  • A great post from @Dries acknowledging open-source isn’t a meritocracy allowing anyone to open a pull-request but is instead for a privileged few groups.