Archives: Notes

  • The descriptor “the bone has been removed and replaced with pancetta” needs to be used more often.

  • Not sure if anyone’s said this before but CSS Grid is p good.

  • Something I love about this original Hamilton performance is seeing LMM looking around after the first verse, realise the room is into it and visibly relax. It’s a really sweet, human moment.

  • Listening to a Twenty Thousand Hertz episode on noise pollution. If you’re a remote worker, it turns out it’s worth sending the boss noise canceling headphones before jumping on Zoom to ask for a pay rise.

  • Oh wow, it feels weird to nest @ rules in vanilla CSS, ie: @suports ( cool-new-feature ) { @media ( wide-enough ) { /* ... */ } } .

  • Week one of learning a new codebase.

  • After spending two hours on the phone, I may know WHO will be billing me for American health care. I don’t know how much, an account number, when I can expect a bill, if they’ll call me back, whether they know where to send it or if they can send it by email. That would be easy.

  • Does iOS Firefox add an icon to the home screen every time I refresh each site or only the first time?

  • I think the best way to wait for a DNS change to propagate is with a glass of wine in hand. 🍷

  • Sometimes I am a little #386.