Archives: Notes

  • Good morning!

  • Pining for container queries again.

  • One of the side effects of working on the Fairfax CMS’s edit screen for almost 18 months is I can’t help but think of data entry as I read the news. For some reason, a lot of images on the dev site were from Hamilton the Musical. I still see this too.

  • I’ve been sitting on a redesign forever & now tempted to get the functionality down and fukkit do it live for the theme.

  • Finally finished Playdead’s Inside on iOS and now I’m tempted to buy a console. The wise thing to do would be to play some similar games first.

  • I’m really bored shitless of Book of Morman think pieces marveling how kind it is to religion but failing to mention the jokes punch down; the POC are gullible & one dimensional; and the hurrah moment is white guys saving the day for the silly Africans.

  • From afar it’s easy to find the US’s gun obsession kind of bizarre & definitely foreign… until I remember my nieces are doing active shooter drills while their representatives effectively fine Delta for discontinuing their NRA discount. #MarchForOurLives

  • I’ve been thinking a lot about Found/Tonight and how perfect The Story of Tonight and You Will Be Found are for @AMarch4OurLives. My US friends and the students leading it should be proud of their influence. I wish they didn’t need to be.

  • This month’s Hamildrop is also a Hansendrop and how am I meant to sleep now?! (Europe & America, just you wait)

  • Right, Joe, I’ve always been right.