All it takes to bring down a server is an errant equals sign and time going backward.
Archives: Notes
Getting hungry but need to wait until the album I’m listening to finishes. Philip’s dead but Burr’s yet to lose his bid for President.
Funny how it’s always privileged guys in high paying jobs writing posts like this 🤔
TV producers: replacing an all white cast with POC for a single Ep is not the same as Hamilton’s casting decisions.
I see the lies of omission from some outlets implying this is new. That’s just fucked up & it’s on you if Centrelink stop making referrals.
Centrelink have shat the bed but referring people threatening self harm to life line is a good thing & to be encouraged.
Call me old fashioned but I think condemning Centrelink for referring people to suicide prevention services is fucked up.
There is a group attempting to archive the internet archive & put it online.
I see a problem.
My 2017 will be six years after @PsychicKeyboard started.
wp-cli development is moving to