writing a post on my phone over breakfast. http://www.whatdomobileuserswanttodo.com
Archives: Notes
Please shut the gate.
Please use the path.
The Docklands sci fi dystopian future is bustling on a Saturday.
Amazed* at how some devs use WordPress shortcodes. I feel for the site owners affected, their devs need to shoulder some blame.
* horrified
?? Freedom ??
Vote 1 …
Yeah, nah I think I’m busy that day. -
Severely looking forward to @krogsgard‘s full post on the Pearson/Mullenweg brouhaha.
Anyone know what the sound is like at AAMI Park after the rebuild, good enough for a T Swift ticket?
I have 14 domains with mark as read, delete it filters. Hashtag brand engagement.
Time for Gawker sites to join reddit & hacker news in my hosts file block list.