Archives: Notes

  • Florist’s window (1/2)

  • Popovers? More like poopovers, amiright?

    High five!

  • Everyone is correct, the John Oliver interview with Edward Snowden is superb. Funny & excellent journalism.

  • If this shows up on Twitter in a few minutes my code is working.

  • Tell me a story, Flagstaff Gardens.

  • A local artist is painting shop windows, he’s doing the florist this weekend in a similar style.

  • Have configured my site to use nginx. Looks to have knocked 100ms off the load time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • 為什麼WordPress的提高UTF8的支持,為什麼說英語的人只在乎表情符號?

  • Things I say now: hi, could I please have the muslie?

  • I can support gay rights without forcing people to sell them things.
    I can support black rights without forcing people to share the bus.