Archives: Notes

  • After years of speaking, I am still discovering rookie mistakes I am making.

    I used the conference name in a screenshot for some slides last year and was stuck with it recently when I was called in to repeat the talk as a last minute replacement for another conference.

  • The good thing about my new site is that I’m back to the indieweb ideal of posting notes to my site for distribution elsewhere.

    The next best thing is being able to dump a bunch of custom code.

  • Managed to update my site with only a single DB query run on production.

    I probably should have backed up the DB first but YOLO.

  • Currently compiling some stats for a blog post. One stat of interest is that by the time I hit publish it will be 1,234 days since my previous blog post. Oops.

  • You?

    Karen’s just getting too random to hang around Twitter.

  • Let he who hasn’t signed a contract to horrendously overpay for a website as a troll, only be forced to go through with it because — well, contracts — throw the first stone.

  • My username on Twitter is a real outlier: on YouTube I’m peterwilsoncc, on GitHub I’m peterwilsoncc, on Tumblr I’m peterwilsoncc, on LinkedIn I’m peterwilsoncc, etc, etc for various sites.

    Anyway, here is a link to my Twitter profile.

  • I love how much WordPress contributors embrace music, I’m currently listening to a playlist of songs referenced in commit messages. Of course.

  • I’m kinda curious to see what would happen if I set up a custom slackbot response to the word “the”. Apart from losing Slack admin access, that is…

  • Looks at parse_blocks(). Looks at the tumblr block api. Looks back at parse_blocks(). Hmm.