I forgot to buy bread this-morning so decided to make crap pasta for lunch. It was at least as nice as the good pasta I made for dinner earlier this week. Conclusion: I am such a bad cook I can even make crap pasta.
Archives: Notes
I was told last week I swear like a journalist. It was both given and taken as compliment of the highest order.
Puss cats!
Over the next nine days there needs to be fewer than 15 new COVID-19 cases to meet the target for further easing of the Melbourne lockdown. I think we’ll have well above that so am getting used to the idea it won’t happen.
Never thought I’d be taking photos of railway station signs to keep a log of when I’d travelled.
I don’t get the WordPress vs Jamstack debate. They can be friends and used together, and static site generation doesn’t have to mean a full build every time content is published.
Responsive web design is great and all but it is really better than the GO NORTH thread? This is the question that came to mind watching @beep on #sydcss last night, oc.
I’ve been in a meeting discussing character codes. What has more curly quotes, UTF-8 or the presidential debate?
A friend put me on to Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series (because 2020 demands absurdism) and I have been chucking all day at
> they tuck you up, your mum and dad -
I just googled media query level 4 browser support and my computer hard crashed. It was a sign. It was accurate.