Archives: Notes

  • Puss cats!

  • Over the next nine days there needs to be fewer than 15 new COVID-19 cases to meet the target for further easing of the Melbourne lockdown. I think we’ll have well above that so am getting used to the idea it won’t happen.

  • Never thought I’d be taking photos of railway station signs to keep a log of when I’d travelled.

  • I don’t get the WordPress vs Jamstack debate. They can be friends and used together, and static site generation doesn’t have to mean a full build every time content is published.

  • Responsive web design is great and all but it is really better than the GO NORTH thread? This is the question that came to mind watching @beep on #sydcss last night, oc.

  • I’ve been in a meeting discussing character codes. What has more curly quotes, UTF-8 or the presidential debate?

  • A friend put me on to Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series (because 2020 demands absurdism) and I have been chucking all day at
    > they tuck you up, your mum and dad

  • I just googled media query level 4 browser support and my computer hard crashed. It was a sign. It was accurate.

  • Something I’ve noticed over the last few months is that there is heaps less in the way of explosions and whispering by candlelight during a pandemic than movies would have you believe.

  • When it comes time for a career change to cyber criminal, I’m going to use how to stay safe online newsletters choc full of links for my phishing templates.