Archives: Notes

  • Glad I took a chance on The Band’s Visit for my broadway adventure last year, it’s a great show and it’s nice to see it taking so many gongs at the Tony’s.

  • If you’re wondering, is available.

  • A question on @ShopTalkShow mentioned remote work as an aside. Something I like in the WordPress space is a lot of big shops are remote. Off the top of my head: Automattic, 10up, Alley Interactive, XWP, Inpsyde, Reaktiv Studios & Human Made (my work). I’m sure there are more.

  • Y’all know Rosanne’s production company will probably still get paid out. Her staff won’t so, depending on the deal, getting axed could be more profitable to Rosanne personally.

  • Barnaby Joyce complaining about his lose of privacy on the same day OIAC decides it’s cool for a minister to dox their critics is priceless.

  • GDPR has been a real boon for INALB

  • ❤️ calc, it makes everything so easy:

    .thing {
      background-color: #000;
      $maxWidth: 74rem;
      @media ( min-width: $maxWidth ) {
        // This is `max-width: $maxWidth` with a full width background.
        padding-left: calc( 50vw - #{$maxWidth/2} ); // ( (100vw - $maxWidth) / 2 )
        padding-right: calc( 50vw - #{$maxWidth/2} ); // ( (100vw - $maxWidth) / 2 )
  • We had some nerd fun last week looking back at how long ago each of us started using WordPress.

    Milk Little won with 15 years, 4 months ?


  • Maths says urinals on planes could reduce queue times, it says nothing about air turbulance causing little yellow rivers in the isles.

  • Enhancement: Update in-joke.

    Following [43309] and [42343] #blamenacin can be hard deprecated in favour of #blamepento.