Archives: Notes

  • Disney+ have emailed to tell me they’re introducing parental controls. Does that mean we can have versions of Folklore & Hamilton with the swears unmuted at long _______ last? Please?

    Not that I think it would alter the rating of the latter here. It’s already M rated because of all the people shooting each other dead.

  • Unworkable QR sign in privacy policy I’d like to see:

    Your data will be stored for the period recommended by the DHHS. Data will be shared with the DHHS upon request for contact tracing. This policy may not change at any time.

  • Small code changes can have a HUGE effect on performance. After trying an eleven line thought bubble, my test suite went from completing in 11.6 seconds to completing in 0.6 hours. Good work, Wilson. Five stars. Would thought bubble again.

  • A ticket I’ve been working on is the watership down of rabbit holes. While working on it, I’ve created about half a dozen tickets that are blockers. I’m very glad for stand ups at the moment because they remind me I’m making progress even if they feel like dead-ends.

  • I can’t decide what I like more, people asking why something isn’t covered by the mainstream media and linking to a big four news site or linking to something called carowner-hoxe that habitually refers to the CCP virus.

  • Conclusion: people are the worst.

    Also, don’t read the comments. Why did I forget that?

  • Slightly tempted to work today and spend tomorrow’s 41C in the SE7EN sloth pose.

  • Professional PHP 6, First Edition

  • Biden and the one-world government will never tell you this, but the real reason the new uses WordPress is to celebrate 50,000 commits.